Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bid Teaching Weekend

WELL, a lot has happened since my last blog. We have continued to teach children's classes at Highlands.. we have 3 new kids.. so we are consistently at about 9-12 every week! We have a whole new family that is very interested. We had a hige Ayaamiha cookout at the like and one of our kids brought her whole family and they had a lot of fun and learned a lot.
Since then Jason was appointed as an assistant to the ATC ( Area Teaching Commitee) and has been meeting every Thursday to help get our ORLANDO cluster moving. We realized we are now moved to an A cluster and are beginning IPGs (Intensive Programs for Growth!) We started today ( yes in the middle of fast) visiting a very receptive community and had one declaration in Baha'u'llah! I am so excited and it looks like we will be starting a new Jr. Youth and children's classes!!!

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