Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bid Teaching Weekend

WELL, a lot has happened since my last blog. We have continued to teach children's classes at Highlands.. we have 3 new kids.. so we are consistently at about 9-12 every week! We have a whole new family that is very interested. We had a hige Ayaamiha cookout at the like and one of our kids brought her whole family and they had a lot of fun and learned a lot.
Since then Jason was appointed as an assistant to the ATC ( Area Teaching Commitee) and has been meeting every Thursday to help get our ORLANDO cluster moving. We realized we are now moved to an A cluster and are beginning IPGs (Intensive Programs for Growth!) We started today ( yes in the middle of fast) visiting a very receptive community and had one declaration in Baha'u'llah! I am so excited and it looks like we will be starting a new Jr. Youth and children's classes!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Well, Jason, and I went up to the Atlanta Conference with Justin Rosenburg. What a drive and poor Shezel and I were freezing and I booked us into a horrible little hotel..but hey we didn't know it was also SEC Championship weekend in Atlanta.
The Georga World Center is HUGE( try walking on 4 inch heels here!!!) and the message was fantastic. We were all so motivated and our CLUSTER (ORLANDO) was named as one of the 19 that was on the radar to be moved into an A cluster. Now, as you know , Jason and I ( and the kids) are relatively New Bahai's, meaning... we just do as the UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE TELLS US, and we really also don't know what a lot of it means.. but we just do it.
So anyway, We met with the ORLANDO cluster adn then decided that the very next weekend we would have teaching cmapaign in Kissimmee in the receptive neighborhood around HIGHLANDS which is where we already have children's classes. So, over 20 BAHAI's descended upon KISSIMMEE and took to the streets. We have met a lot of wonderful people and thorugh this we also lost all fear. We are AUDACIOUS in our BOLD ASSERTION OF THE FAITH and of our offering services to the community. We added doing a study circle along with the Children's classes.. they will take place in another room . Also, we added holding DEVOTIONS and also want to start a JUNIOR YOUTH at the MIDDLE SCHOOL up the street from our house. Jason and I are both teachers so it is just something that we are good with and comoforatble with.. so now we just have to do book 5!

So anyway.. we met a lot of receptive people and we will be following up with them. :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Children's Classes

Ok.. so we have been going since JULY every TUESDAY from 5:30 - 6:30.
We have 8 children all together:
Audrie (sweetie)
Jessika and her mother, Kelly, who recently signed her declaration card and is now a BAHA'I.
and our Baha'i children - PAIGE and HAILEY (our children) and ALISE who is our neice.

- We have studied prayers, virtues, had a fun skating party and always celebrate their birthdays.
There is nothing better than seeing the childen sign RED GRAMMER songs, say prayers, and ask for help and advice. Its awesome!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Last 2 days

Lots of fun.
We did crowns for noble soul.
Learned prayers.
We also learned dances and played a lot of games.
Snacks were great and the kids really enjoyed everything.
We made bookmarks and also a SSSHHHHHHHH. I AM Praying DOOR HANGER.. with the children's prayer written on the back.
The last day we planted flowers at the school ( Highlands) which was our host school.
Frances was on hand most of the week and she worked soooooo well with the kids with the virtues!
The last day we had awards of reconition to give out and Coach Jason made the kids a DVD of the pictures of the week.
we also burned them a copy of the music that we listened to.. Very nice..

2nd day

Well Shezel had to work and I got soooo sick..
on day 2 - four more kids showed up! - :)
Mom Alise ( Jason's mom and my mother in law) went and did two projects with the kids...
they learned all about diversity ( we are all seeds of one garden) Fun activity involving egg cartons and seeds! Then they discussed God's light and how he shines through us and she did a mosaic stained glass "window" with them..involving paper plates, wax paper, and bits of colored tissued paper...
then they had snacks and also played outside ( jumprope, running, etc) and played Wii Tennis!
They all had fun!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

1st Day Baha'i Camp

Here was the agenda:
9:00-9:15 - Registration
9:25 -9:35- Tooty Ta and Rattlin Bog - fun dances to get the blood moving and the mouths smiling!
9:35 - 9:45- Calm down- prayers
9:45 - 10:20....SOUL ---- we talked about respect and had a discussion with mapping and a coloring sheet.
10:25 - 10:35- snack
10:35-11:05 - MIND - we did ABC's of you and sang song - talked about all of the attributes
11:05 - 11:40 - bodY- STRECTHING, FUN GAMES, ISPY,
11:40 12:00 WORKING on Dance.. :)
Closing prayers and release!